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call Jaqi on 0423499901
Shaman & Psychic Medium
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Jaqi offers Energy Medicine
Her core services are ... Shamanic Healing, Quantum Hypnosis Healing (QHHT/BQH), the Munay-Ki Rites, and Readings.
Why the way of the Shaman?
We are living at a time of unprecedented change, yet great potential, affecting all aspects of life - an evolution of consciousness. Discoveries in Quantum Physics are now proving the power and value of what Indigenous Shaman of every culture have known for thousands of years - that everything is energy, that we are infinite, that we are spirit having an embodied experience. Indigenous Wisdom Teachings, aligning with Gaia, and working with our own Higher Selves, shows us how to raise our consciousness above the lower vibrations of heavy emotions. These show us how to live in balance, how to work with energy, how to heal, and how to empower our lives. The Shamanic Way - allows the most expansive and enabling tools for navigating the tumultuous changes we are experiencing - this 'Great Shift of the Ages'. When practiced safely, with pure heart and intent, Shamanic ways support and guide our steps through daily life. They create a bridge that provides pathways for healing and attuning to the multidimensional, limitless domains of Consciousness, Soul, and Spirit. Shamanism sees us as inextricably linked to all there is. It invites us to remember our true nature, our authentic, essential, or 'higher' selves, and to be in deep connection and right relationship with all around us. It aligns us with Source, our Earth Mother, and all life that dwells on and within Her. Many are awakening; many are opening to these essential ancient Indigenous wisdom teachings. It is Jaqi's intention to be just one of the many assisting in this process of personal and planetary healing.
Shamanic Healing focuses on discovering, then shifting, the underlying, unsettling energetic patterns of each client’s life themes. It assists clients in changing their perceptions; it changes the way they look at things, so the things they look at change. It helps clients to discover and transform limiting beliefs. When an opening of the Heart occurs, and we step into compassion, we may recover our self love so we may heal, and dream more courageously for ourselves and the world.
Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) was pioneered, developed, and taught by Master Hypnotist - Dolores Cannon, for over 45 years. Using QHHT Jaqi safely guides her clients through various natural states of trance, including the Somnambulistic (Theta) state of deep trance, using visualisation. These states allows access to the 'other lives' that are having the most impact on her clients current life events, relationships, and health. Her client's 'Higher Self' - connected to the source of all knowledge within, is called upon to answer key questions posed by her client - on any aspect of their Life, and to activate instant healing, if appropriate. Once safely brought out of these various trance states, and after some discussion and analysis, each client receives their own recording of the session to take home with them. The recording verifies the information received and replaying it promotes further healing. To read more on QHHT go to Jaqi's links page
Readings with Jaqi can be offered in a variety of ways. Shamanic Stone Readings, Psychic Mediumship readings, and Akashic Readings. Sometimes all of these can be rolled into the one Reading session, where appropriate. Clients are welcome to record their Readings.
To read more about these ways of Reading go to Jaqi's Readings page.

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